Thursday, July 25, 2024

Visiting the Twins

Last Thursday, we got a lot of camp pics.  I just noticed they are wearing their bathing suit tops over their shirts.  

There's our Oompa Loompa

It was visiting day at Southampton Summer Day Camp.  We found Eli's bunk playing some strange game.
Then we ran into Noah.  

Soccer time.  The twins are on the same team.

I see horses!
Then it was tennis.  

Rachel is the gymnastics girl.
Eli had STEM lab.

Then swim.

That night, I made lamb chops for dinner.  yum.
Aden had a 2 hour driving lesson!  It was the same company that taught Amy and I.  She said he did well.  He said he doesn't need to wait the 6 months, he can get his license now!  Lol.
Last Friday we got a camp pic.  I can see that's Ariel's bunk on the stage.  It's crazy the computer picks her out.  
Rachel sent a pic of Noah from gymnastics.  
We stopped for dinner on the way to the shore at the Vincentown Diner.  It's always good there but we didn't get down till late.
When the twins were asleep, I got some tub time!  Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Phanatic at Camp

It's Wednesday night.  Last Wednesday, we got a preview picture of Ariel as an Oompa Loompa from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  
It was Phillies day at camp.  Mickey was ready to go.  
The Phillie Phanatic came!  
These are some stills from the live video.  
They all had fun!
Right Eli?  
Amy, her mom and sister, went up to New York City to see & Juliet on Broadway.  They had a lovely day.  
Eli had violin lessons at the middle school.  
Noah dance with Emo.  

Aden played some games with the neighborhood boys.  


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Touring Villanova

Last Monday we got a camp pic.  
It was a big day for Eli.  For the first time he passed the deep water test at camp!  That means he can now go in any of the pools and use the slides.  He was so proud of himself.
It was too hot to be outside so we played inside.  

Music time.  

Noah loves to read.  
Games before bed.  
Last Tuesday was ridiculously hot.  
Quick camp pic.  
Aden went with the neighbors to check out Villanova University.  
They had a tour in the morning.  
Pretty campus.
Handsome guys!
They liked it.  
Eli was excited there were dark clouds coming in.  
I took Aden driving!  We went around the school parking lot and then into the neighborhood behind the school.  He did well but I was nervous and got very car sick.  He kept getting really close to the parked cars and I had to pull the steering wheel a couple of times.  This is going to be a long 6 months till he gets his license!
What's up Eli?
This is the painting I bought from a high school kid.  We have to get it framed.  
The thunderstorms finally came.  Eli watched from our bathroom.