Monday, June 27, 2011

Blue Stripes

Saturday morning, we woke up to this picture on our phones. Adam and Brianna were on their way! Aden is going to be so excited to see them!

We went to the beach really early. I think it was before 11. It was the first hot and sunny morning we woke up to all summer so far and we didn't want to waste it. I realized later the camera had suntan lotion on the lens so you will have to excuse the spot.

Greg and Jake.
Amy hanging with the girls.
Who wants to play with me?

Aden found some boys to play with.


Lunch break!
Lucky Aden, Aunt Melissa is treating!

Hanging out under the cool tent eating some rainbow water ice. That's the life!

Are you sharing?

It's great to watch Aden interact with other kids.

Nobody seemed to notice our matching suits!

Still driving! That night we got a sitter and went to Sofia for dinner with Adam and Ellen.

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