When I picked him up, he was in the middle of a NASCAR race.

Getting so big!

Friday night my dad met with the doctor. Only 2 more weeks in the cast! We had dinner at Melissa's.

Saturday morning, we were invited over to the Rubin's for lunch. Kevin and Andrea were in from Atlanta and Rose and Tammy and their families joined us. Aden had a whole bunch of girls to chose from!

It was a nice day, so they ran around outside.

What's that? A huge bag of M & M's??!!

Jordyn was in charge of dividing them up. Rylee and Reese waited patiently!

Jared is bigger than most of the girls.

We had our first Saturday night after Maura left for college. It was pretty lame. We went to Guiseppe's for dinner and were in bed by 10. Anyone know any sitters?

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