That's Brown in the background.

Aden must always find a stick. He then tells us what color his new light saber is. Green for Luke or red for Darth Vader.

Of course the girls had to try and break in!

Some young girls came by and let us in.

Amy's room! Aden was excited to see where mommy used to live.

When Amy was there, it was a twin, now there are three girls. They have only been here a few weeks but love it already!

The girls checked out the bathrooms and said they looked new.

Hey Aden, what are you looking at?

You can just about see the Nipple of Knowledge! We wandered around and checked out some of the new classrooms that were recently built.

Aden was great all day but he was getting tired and starting to lose it so we went to the union for ice cream.

The girls kept exploring. We met up with them to say good bye for a couple of hours. Amy really wanted to go to the alumni dinner and see the girls more so we decided to bring Aden home then come right back.

Aden was actually smiling for the camera! He thankfully slept in the car. We were home for less than an hour, then we headed back. My mom graciously took Aden for us.

There were dinners spread out through the union based on class year. It was odd that the younger classes had less people than the older classes. This was it for the Mulhenberg class of 2001.

Dinner was very nice and we are glad we got to spend more time with the girls and their families.

They had dessert for everyone in the new dining hall.

They never cut that cake :-(

Little Owen was cute.

Outside there was a band made up of Psych professors playing and people were dancing. Amy and I were sad to leave, we will have to find a way to get everyone together soon. If you girls are reading this, it was awesome meeting you!

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