Tuesday, February 13, 2024

LED Clouds

Today was a lazy snow day. 

Last Monday, we worked on the basement.  We made a little art wall.  It's mostly Noah's.  Yes, those are seats from Veterans Stadium!
Eleanora the decorator was a huge help.  
The biggest project was the led clouds in the boys new playroom.  We laid out the led lights on a big piece of mesh.  Then we attached cotton stuffing to the mesh.
Then we attached the mesh to the ceiling at lit it up!
So cool!
We can watch this for hours!
Late night ride on the Cyber Quads.  

Then Aden and I had tennis.  
Last Tuesday, Ariel helped us cook.
Ariel does not know how to read a regular clock, so she was practicing! I don't know about this modern education.  
A Disney are gallery down the steps.  
Aden and I moved the family room tv to the basement.  Aden has always played his XBox on a 25 year old crappy tv.  Now, he has a great tv to play on.  
The new tv came!
We put it in the family room.  Aden loved peeling off the protective film.  


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