Aden's got the Rubik's cube all figured out!

The Margate Music Festival. The last few years the bands were actually pretty good. This year it was Johnny Rivers, who I still can't figure out who that is. The fireman was nice and let Aden play on the fire truck.

Back to wait for the fireworks. We can see them from the deck.

They were nice, except they made Cooper crazy.

Tuesday night, Amy took Aden next door to swim, while Mark, Melissa and I...

Went to Great Adventure! It had been years for me and the first time for them.

Our first ride, the stand-up roller coaster, the Green Lantern.

While we waited and hour and a half, we checked out the other coasters.

This is Superman, where you are hooked in at your waiste and you fly under the track.

A closeup of the Green Lantern going by.

It was a long hour and a half. We talked to the people around us. The park was shut down for 2 hours after the earthquake. By the way, that was crazy. Felt like the ground was rolling under me. We finally got on the ride and had a blast.

This is Kinda Ka. It's almost 500 feet tall, the highest roller coaster in the world! Melissa and I had dinner while Mark waited an hour and a half to go on it!

Our next hour and a half wait was for the wooden coaster, El Toro. While waiting, the ride kept breaking down, a woman passed out getting off, a fat man was kicked out and my camera screen broke. Oh, and Mark lost his house keys.

How do they build these things?

Crazy fast. 2nd or 3rd fastest in the country.

Right before my camera broke. That was our last ride. Like 5 hours and $60 later, I was on 2 rides!

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