He loved it. Smiled the whole time. I just remember being glad I hadn't had lunch yet.

The kids were trick or treating throughout the park. It was good practice for next Monday!

Costume had to come off for a potty break. You would think they would have considered that when they designed it.

Usually Aden is a little freaked out by these shows but he was all smiles this time.

I still think they should find a way to make them small like they are on tv.

Kind of sad it's our last visit till next year. Time to renew our season passes!

That night we all went to dinner at Carlucci's in Yardley for mom's birthday.

Aden was in a very silly mood. It might have been all the Pez that Amy's mom gave him.

Mom made her own cake.

We all had fun. Happy Birthday Mom!!! We love you!!!

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