Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Like I said, short on pictures.  I need a new baby to take pictures of.  Now where can I get one of those?  

Amy took Aden and Jason to see Frozen.
 They had a great time while I was home trying to get Ariel to take a nap.  It didn't happen.  Aden later made Amy download the music from the movie and he's been listening to the songs over and over again.
 Ariel sleeping on our bed.  Not to jinx myself but this is happening with much less frequency.  Maybe once a month.

 My family came over for dinner. 
 We watched the full video I took of Aden's play.
 Aden and somehow Ariel recreated the whole thing.  It was still cute the second time seeing it!
 Someone is always happy to see us in the morning.

 Yes, she is still wearing her size 12 month sleep sack.  
 They like to watch tv before school.
 It's my ball!

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