Monday, July 18, 2016

Hot Date

Way too hot today.  I don't know how those kids are at camp.  I'm uncomfortable sitting in the air conditioning.  Aden is super excited it's hot because he finally passed the deep water test and they are having extra swims so he can hang in the deep end with his buddies.  We haven't seen the neighbors as much this summer because we are still putting the babies in to bed around 7 and the neighbors aren't going out until then.  It will be nice when the babies can stay up later!  We all seem to have an early bed time.  Tomorrow night is guy's night!  Looking forward to that.

Everyone in the cribs!

Ariel won an award at camp.
 Sammy came over to play and have a picnic date with Ariel.
 Ariel and her muscles.
 Noah, let them have their date in peace!

 This was cute.
 It was all Ariel's idea.

 Then they went for a drive.

 Sammy is following in daddy's footsteps.  

 We went to the NAC one night for a swim.
 It was quiet.

 There is nowhere for the babies to be.  They need a baby area.
 I wish I was in the pool right now.  I just can't get comfortable.

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