Thursday, December 9, 2021

Spaghetti Everywhere

It's Thursday night and we are back from Florida!  Yes, Florida.  Ariel had the Pop Warner Cheer Nationals in Orlando!  I don't even know how to begin those series of posts.  I took so many pictures and videos.  We had a great trip and it was so warm.  Why did we come back?  Last Thursday, we woke to a giant spaghetti mess made by the elves.  

Eli looked very confused.  

Getting ready to go to Florida!
Dani came to work with Ariel.  

Ariel wasn't listening so Danny made her run laps around the basement!

So strong Eli!
That night, we went to Melissa's to open some presents.  

Eli liked the decorations next door.  
Friday morning, we woke to this!  The elves took Ariel's new inflatable cheer mat that Bev got her and were using it like a slide!

Eli made this at school.  The teacher sent the picture.  I guess the boy likes Hanukkah.  
Pick up time.  Another week is over.  
Playing on the stairs like usual. 
Ariel had Airborne practice.  
A few more presents.  

Before I went to bed, I noticed the elves found an old filmstrip projector and had set up a movie.  
Have a great weekend!


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