Thankfully, Aden was in a great mood. (although he did have a screaming fit before we left, which was explained later...I will get to that)

Let's get this party started!

Surprise!!! The party was originally planned for 2 Saturdays ago, during the snowstorm so it had to be moved. Everyone was able to keep the secret.

Marc was the mastermind behind the party.

Aden kept everyone entertained.

Amy's family.


One face!

Being silly.

The slide show Marc put together was amazing. Judy and Dave have had quite a few adventures in life.

Hi Beverly!

Thanks for a great time Marc!

Sunday Aden would only eat lunch at his table and he had to feed himself. Our little boy is growing up! Say goodbye to the last remaining original carpet in the house. The hardwood is going in next week!

Maura came to sit and Amy and I finally, after nine weeks for trying, saw Avatar! We really enjoyed it.

Back for dinner with Melissa and Mark and Bev.

The boys.

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