Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It's the day before another big snowstorm. I guess we can blame it on the groundhog. We have so much food left over from the last storm that we are good to go.

I picked up Aden yesterday from school and he was running around with the other kids. I love to see him interact with his peers.

He came home in different pants than he left in. I didn't ask any questions. It's safer that way. Let's make a tower!

Of course he only builds it up to knock it down.

Then in the basement to play with his tent of balls. I think I need to get him some more balls. it didn't come with enough.

He loves the Russian nesting dolls. We have to keep him away from the littlest one as he tends to want to eat it.

Our little Stinker.

Aden got a call from school, snow day Wednesday! I guess he will be home alone while Amy and I work. Just kidding. We are all off!

Aden was not happy about going to sleep last night. He could not wait to get out of the crib this morning.

Probably not the best idea to have a pile of Cheerios in front of the baby. You can only guess what happened next. Let's just say it involved daddy and a broom.

Enough cookies, let's go to school!

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