Monday, October 16, 2017

Paradise City

It's Monday night.  The twins did not sleep well last night so fingers crossed tonight.  It's so hard to go to the gym and exercise on a few hours sleep but somehow I did it.  I've been exercising steadily for almost 6 months!  I'm still waiting to see a difference.  The twins have been super funny.  I need to take more videos.  They are talking so much and saying the funniest things.  Just look at these faces!
 Last Sunday morning we went to synagogue.  They unfurled the whole torah scroll!
 Then it was a Sukkah party.

 Yummy milkshakes.

 We stopped by our neighbor Jake's 1st birthday party.  He's starting to walk!
 Then we headed to Amy's parent's house for Gwen's baby naming.  Eli found fruit.
 Our friend Larry the rabbi conducted a pretty ceremony.
 The grandparents got to speak.  
 Yummy sweets.

 We found this picture of Amy around Ariel's age.  What do you think?

 Sunday night, I went with three friends to see Guns N Roses!  I had never seen them and was excited.  We got seats last minute and were right on the side of the stage!
 It was crazy.  They played for 3 1/2 hours without stopping!  I was exhausted just watching.  Axl Rose screams the whole time, I don't know how he does it.  

 Jason and I.
 Paradise City.

 33 songs!  Great show!

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