Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Lot of Boys In Here

It's super late Wednesday night so I'm going to be quick.  I went out tonight with the pre-school dads.  They were so funny.  Anyway, back to last Wednesday.  

Heather joined the boys in the bouncy house.

 Where are you Ariel?
 It's pretty rare that Amy and I and the older two and the sitter all sit down to dinner together and all eat the same thing!
 How did you get up there Noah?
 Oh, that's how!
The boys love their books.  They don't care who reads to them.

Thursday morning the boys were up early.

 I stopped by my friend's house to meet his puppy Penni.
 Ariel actually practiced piano this week.
 Stella came to visit since we were going to watch her over the weekend.  Look at Eli's face.  He was terrified!
 Ariel was happy.

A little baking before bed.

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