Wow it was cold today. A friend wanted to meet me for breakfast this morning at 6:15. I told him he was insane so we met at 7:15. That wasn't much better. I was back before everyone else got up! Back to LA. This will be the shortest post yet, under 40 pictures! There are from a week ago Saturday. We woke up to another pretty day. Not pretty enough to use the pool though.
Waiting in the lobby for our car to be brought around. The valet parking was $42 a day!We drove all around Beverly Hills and Bel Air. It is such a pretty area. Many of the houses are hard to see behind gates and trees but we saw plenty of beautiful ones. You can kind of make out the view from the top of the hills.
We then drove out to Santa Monica.
We parked south of the Pier near a playground. Our first view of the beach and Pacific Ocean!
Looking North towards Malibu.
South Beach Park Playground
The kids played for a while.
We then drove over to park closer to the 3rd Street Promenade. There were many parking garages owned by the city. The one we parked at had electric car charging stations along a whole block on every floor. There were dozens of spots. Around here, we are lucky to get 2 charging stations in a lot. There were some cool stores but we were hungry.
Let's go guys!
It was a nice day, just not quite nice enough for the beach.

We ended up at The Misfit for lunch.
It was actually very good.
Back outside to walk around. They had a nice mall there with a Nordstrom and Bloomingdales.
Tesla store coming soon!
We finally made it to the Pier.
Nice view.
We started walking onto the Pier then gave up. It was just way too crowded.
If you look hard, it's a mass of people down there. Amy said we have Ocean City at home, we don't need to go.
We drove home the long way through the city. Amy and most of the kids fell asleep. I drove down Rodeo Drive.
I really wish we had time to shop!
Back to the hotel to rest and wash up. Here is the room Amy, Ariel and the twins shared.
We walked up the Sunset Strip to go to dinner at the Saddle Ranch Chop House. We were walking down the street behind 3 guys. We really think that one of the guys was Bruno Mars! Amy was freaking out. We followed him right into the restaurant.
Ariel really wanted to go talk to him but we didn't let her. Look over her shoulder to the guy sitting in the hat.
We asked the people that work there if it was him and they are all said no but they probably are trained to say no so people don't bother the celebrities. The guys he was with were dressed very slickly. The band that was playing changed to a Bruno Mars song when he walked in. Could that be a clue?
That was one big drink. Amy needed that after being with the kids all week!
Ariel asked to go on the bull but she was too young. They just let her pose on it.
People were getting these huge cotton candy desserts.
The food was yummy.
The kids were pretty mellow thankfully.
They gave us marshmallows, graham crackers and Hershey bars and told us to go outside and make smores over the fire!
That was a fun surprise.
Then we walked back to get those kids to sleep!
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