Last Wednesday, we woke up to some snow but more importantly, it was Noah and Eli's 10th birthday!
They ran around looking for presents. This is another one of my peculiar finds. You turn on this triangular device and it swings onto it's point and stays there.
You can't even knock it over.
I drove Ariel to the bus stop.
That night, we had birthday celebrations. The boys wore their double digits shirts. Now all of our kids are in double digits.
It was their friend Dylan's birthday also. He came over with his sister to celebrate.
Here's another odd thing. It puffs out smoke rings. The twins love this stuff.
Happy birthday boys!
I got them pizza from the favorite place Dominicks in Washington's Crossing. After that, we had lots more playing.
Then it was cake time.
Thanks for coming guys!
Meanwhile, Ariel had a Valentine's cheer practice.