Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Noah and Eli are 10!

Last Wednesday, we woke up to some snow but more importantly, it was Noah and Eli's 10th birthday! 
They ran around looking for presents.  
This is another one of my peculiar finds.  You turn on this triangular device and it swings onto it's point and stays there.  
You can't even knock it over.  
I drove Ariel to the bus stop.  
That night, we had birthday celebrations.  The boys wore their double digits shirts.  Now all of our kids are in double digits.  
It was their friend Dylan's birthday also.  He came over with his sister to celebrate.  

Here's another odd thing.  It puffs out smoke rings.  The twins love this stuff.
Happy birthday boys!
I got them pizza from the favorite place Dominicks in Washington's Crossing.  After that, we had lots more playing.  
Then it was cake time.  

Thanks for coming guys!
Meanwhile, Ariel had a Valentine's cheer practice.  


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Ariel's Award

Last Monday, we got a nice surprise from Ariel's school.  She got an award for exemplary behavior and leadership!  
It was a quiet day.  After school, we did some 3d printing.  
Tessa came to hang.  
Ariel used the 3d printing gun.  
Last Tuesday, we had a dusting of snow.  
Ariel found some ice cream.  
The next day was the twin's birthday.  Once they were asleep, Amy did some decorating. 
Big 10 year olds!


Monday, February 17, 2025

World Champion Philadelphia Eagles

Last Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday.  We woke up to a winter wonderland.  

Luckily, the temps went up quickly and it all melted.  
I had the smoker going all day.  First I made chicken to pull and baked beans.  Then I made wings and ribs.  It was a feast!
Ariel made a coffee mug cupcake.  
The wings went last because they are the quickest.  
I generally have a hard time watching the Eagles play when I'm home.  I like to be alone and pace but I sat on the sofa with Amy, Melissa and Mark, Bev and our friends Jaime and Abby and actually watched the whole game.  
Ariel was at Harper's.
The little ones hung out in the secret room.  

The game was great.  The Eagles dominated the whole time.  
In fact, the Chiefs did not score until well into the third quarter.  
Everyone expected the Eagles to lose but they were wrong.  
Celebrating a huge win!
Super Bowl Champions!

Fireworks outside.  
Chaos in Philadelphia!
Super Bowl LIX Win!


10th Birthday Party

It's Monday morning.  Couldn't post Sunday night because we lost power!  We've been in the house 15 years and that was the second time we lost power for more than a few seconds.  It was out for about 7 hours.  

Last Saturday, the City was getting ready for the Super Bowl.  I love this pic of the Eagle with the city in the background.  
All the buildings were green!
Ariel had a team practice.  
Then we headed to Altitude for Eli and Noah's 10th birthday party!
The place was totally packed.  
We had like 25 kids.
They ran around like crazy for an hour.
Hey Noah

Eli and Vicky.
Hey Gwen
That's Ariel bouncing.
Pizza and cake time. 

Even Aden made an appearance.  He just wanted an excuse to drive.  

Cake time!

I felt like we were there all day.
That night, we opened presents!