It's Sunday night and we are back from a week at the shore. It was fun but everyone was ready to come home. Back to last week. These are from Friday and Saturday. Friday was the last day of camp. The plan was to get the kids at 12 and head to the shore. We went there at 12 but Ariel refused to leave. There were going to be parties in the afternoon so we let her stay. The twins came home with us. They got all kinds of goodies.
These are cute.
Back at 3 to get Ariel. The parties were outside of course.
Ariel was thrilled to get a ride to us in the golf cart.
We also got her one of those dragon drinks from Starbucks that she wanted.
By the time we left, the regular route, which takes us near Philadelphia, was a mess as it was approaching rush hour. We went straight across New Jersey instead and drove through cranberry bogs which I had no idea where there.
We finally made it. Mark and Melissa and Aden had been there all week. They went to the market and got stuff to grill, which my neighbor had fixed that week.
The boys watched me cook.
Honey stayed in the crate while we ate so she couldn't steal anything.
She's out!
The girls tried to feed her. They fed the house instead.
Old friends randomly walked by. It was nice to see them.
I took the boys to the playground late.
That night we played some Cards Against Humanity.
Then Ariel joined us for some later night fun.
Saturday morning, Eli helped make pancakes.
The kids were busy.
Over to the pool. Noah is doing amazing swimming all over the place.
We celebrated Amy's mom's birthday, which had been a few days before.
All the grandkids, not looking, but all the grandkids!
Hey Honey.
It was a lazy night.
We took Honey for a long walk.
Aden was at my parent's house working on this!