Thursday, October 31, 2019

Basketball Tryouts

It's Halloween night.  We finally got the twins to bed.  They ate way too much candy and were bouncing off the walls.  The weather people were totally wrong.  It was supposed to be a washout and some towns changed their nights for trick or treating but it was dry and in the 70's.  We didn't even need jackets.  These pics are from last week leading up to the Holland Harvest.  

A sneak preview of the costumes.

 Aden had basketball tryouts.  I was only able to watch a little.  I thought he was a bit rusty but he was very confident that he was great.

 I guess we will find out the teams soon.  
 The kitchen is always the center of everything.  

 Ariel had to make a poster about herself.
 A preview of Ariel's outfit.
 I think she was a cat last year.
 This picture was taken in the total dark.  The new iPhone is pretty amazing.
 Aden's first flag football playoff game was last Wednesday night.  
 It was cold!
 It was a blow out win for our boys!

 Game two on Saturday.
 Thursday night we met up with some of the twin's friends at the Langhorne Library to watch ET on an outside screen.  
 It was a nice night and there were even food trucks.  Noah wasn't interested but Eli really got into the movie.  He was laughing and asking questions about ET.
 Rolled ice cream for Ariel.
 Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Pink or Orange Octopus

It's a rainy Mischief Night.  It's supposed to be a super rainy Halloween tomorrow.  I hope not.  Wow.  Halloween came quickly.  I guess we will be talking about Thanksgiving soon.  These are from a week ago Sunday.  I'm falling behind but I've been taking very few pictures during the week and now that football is done and cheer is almost done, I won't have many weekend pictures either.  

Simchat Torah at synagogue.  They unwind the torah and rewind it back to the beginning . 
 They had a mini carnival after.  They twins were disappointed there weren't any bounce houses.  They kept asking random people where they were!

 We did play some games.

 Eva and Gwen joined us.

 This poor kid had to make balloon animals for everyone.
 Of course most of the kids wanted the giant octopus which takes a while to make.
 My parents and sister took Ariel to the Pennsylvania Ballet to see Don Quixote.  

 Ariel got to meet the dancers.
 She also got a nice dinner in the city.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Cheer at the High School

Sorry no Tuesday post.  I'm still having computer problems.  As in my main computer at home is no longer working, which is kind of scary because that's were I keep my pictures but I thankfully have several backups.  We are all getting nervous for Ariel's big cheer tournament this weekend.  She is convinced they will win, which is great, but I'm not sure how realistic.  They are up against 15 other teams.  We keep trying to explain to her the win was getting to regionals and whatever happens there is just extra.  Speaking of cheer, last Saturday Ariel got to cheer with the high school girls.  

Here she is with Amanda.
 She jumped up on every girl that would let her.

 I think she was miserable.  ;-)
 I took a bunch of pics with my good camera with the telephoto lens but I somehow broke the memory card and I can't access the pictures so I only have a few to share.

 Ariel got up in the air a few times.
 The boys weren't quite sure what sport it was.

 Amanda posted this to her Instagram.
 Aden finished the Hogwarts Castle.
 Pretty amazing.