Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Icy Day Off

Last Wednesday, Noah was on his Rubik's cube and Eli chilled with his stuffed friends.  It's amazing that he still loves them as much as he does.  
Piano time.  
They always seem to wrestle before bed.  
Last Thursday, it snowed and the kids had a day off.  They had online school though so they won't have to make it up at the end of the year.  
It changed to ice.  
Eli was hiding from us and doing a great job!
Aden did some cooking.  
It was a long day at home.  The boys went crazy and wrestled.  

That night, Amy and I took the older two out to dinner.  We got ribs at the Churchville Inn.  
Eli sketching his buddy Hedwig.  Kind of looks like a bunny.  


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Snack Box

Last Monday there was not a snow day.  Poor Ariel had to walk in the tiny bit of snow to the bus.  
After school, she filled up her new snack box.  She's crazy!
Ariel has been playing games with Noah.  
Eli and Encil went for a ride.  

Piano time.  
I took Eli to pickle ball.  

He did pretty well but then he got silly.  
Amy brought back chocolate caramel apples from the spa.  We tore apart one of them.  
Last Tuesday, Noah got a Diary of a Wimpy Kid pillow.  


Monday, February 10, 2025

Early Gym

It's Monday night.  We all woke up thinking it was a dream but the Eagles did really win the Super Bowl!

Last Sunday, I took the twins to Hebrew School then I could have gone back to bed but I went to the gym!  Ya me!
It was freezing and someone was swimming outside.  
Noah had his last Winter soccer game.  
This was a fun few weeks.  

The cheerleaders.  
Grandmom and Grandpop came to watch.  
Ariel had cheer practice.  
I showed Eli that I have a copy of the record that was sent on the Voyager spacecrafts.  It has sounds from the Earth.  We listened to some of it.  Very interesting.  
It started to snow!


Other World

It's Monday morning and the Eagles are the Super Bowl champs!  Woo hoo!  They crushed the Chiefs.  It was glorious!

Last Saturday, Ariel and Fionna got up early as Fionna had cheer practice.  
We looked at pics of the girls cheering at like 7 years old.  Too cute.  
I took the twins and Victoria to Other World.  
This is that trippy place I took the twins last year.  
I don't have much to say.  Just look at the pics.  
The kids were mesmerized.  

Very Zen!

The kids stayed entertained for a couple of hours.  

Meanwhile, at the resort...