It's Monday night and we celebrated Amy's mom's birthday today! Back to a week ago Friday...
After the beach Friday, we barbecued up some burgers, dogs, steak and chicken.
Some arts and crafts while waiting for the food. The backyard is still so pretty! A nice environment to grill!
Doing my prep work.
The boys kept busy.
The food is done!
It was quiet while everyone ate.
I'm happy with the way it came out.
I can't believe we had room for dessert.
Once the little ones went to bed, we started playing games.
Scattegories to start. That's a fun game. When the older kids went to bed, we played Cards Against Humanity. That's even more fun!
The kids were up super early on Saturday again.
Ariel really wants to play the guitar. She's just too small at this point.
Back to the jewelry making!
Amy and Rebecca drove the younger ones to the point in Longport. I rode bikes there with Jeremy, Aden, my dad and Will. This was to be Aden's longest ride at the shore so far. A couple of miles.
He did well. And it was a fun way to see all the big houses.
Out to the point.
Just a bunch of shots of the kids running around on very slippery rocks between the bay and the ocean.
Ariel and Emily got along so well.
You can see Ocean City off in the distance.
These pics of Jeremy and Will were from pretty far way. I need to use my good camera more often.
Ariel loves to pose.
Our pretty girl.
Long distance buddies.
We took a bunch of group shots and they came out pretty well.

Ran into my friend Jaime.
This doodle was cute. She dug holes then put her head in them.
Then we wandered over to the ocean.
No dolphins this time.
It was such a pretty day it was hard to stop taking pictures.
Another good group shot.
Here are some cool dudes. We had a lot planned that day so we needed to get going!
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