Thursday, February 27, 2025


Last Friday, Ariel had her private.  She watched Stevie for a while because we were early.  

Even Stevie's sister Charlie Brown was there!  The kids made her so happy.  

She quickly changed into her cheer outfit for pictures.  
She waited in line with Grace.  
Then it was bingo time at the elementary school.  This is fun but it's always sensory overload.  
Ariel and Tessa were there.  
The twins sort of played and sort of ran around with their friends.  
We didn't win anything except...
Noah won a trivia question.  

See you again in the Fall!
Have a great weekend.  


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Laser Tag

Last Thursday, there was the normal chaos at middle school drop off.  
Honey and family came to visit.  

She loves coming over!

She always finds a ball.  
That night, the twins had Ilana's birthday party at Ultrazone Laser Tag.  
First they played some games.  

That's a lot of tickets!
They ate pizza and cake.  
Then it was time for laser tag.  
Back to the games.  Why do they love the ticket game so much?
It was snowing!


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Two Globes

It's Tuesday night and I just saw a giant drone hovering over my house!  It was surprised by how loud it was.  

Last Monday, Aden helped with dinner.  

Eli wanted to see my Millenium Falcon from the 70's.  I hide it away from the kids.  
Our sitter Kylie was in Thailand!
Last Tuesday, Eli got a new Mova Globe from my parents.  This one is way bigger than the other one.  
Noah figured out how to solve that crazy cube.  
Eli is an owl like Hedwig.  
The boys hid a globe inside the other puzzles.  
Don't know how they figured it out.  
Last Wednesday, it was really cold!
Our new sofa has some rips already.  A guy came from the furniture to sew it up.  
The globes together.  


Monday, February 24, 2025

Black Out!

Last Sunday, Ben came over early to work with Eli on the violin.  They work well together.  
Ariel had slept over Emily's house.  I went to go get her.  Emily and Harper did not want her to leave.  The three of them are so cute together.  
Amy took the twins to see Paddington in Peru.

That night, we all went out to dinner for Grandpop Jeff's birthday.  Amy and I sat at the kid's table.  

Happy Birthday!!!

All the grandkids.  So Sweet!
Right when we were leaving the power went out.  It was super windy.  In the 15 years we have been at the house, we only lost the power once for an extended time.  When we got back, the neighborhood was still dark.  
The boys found all the flashlights.  
We went to bed with a dark, cold house.