Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Two Globes

It's Tuesday night and I just saw a giant drone hovering over my house!  It was surprised by how loud it was.  

Last Monday, Aden helped with dinner.  

Eli wanted to see my Millenium Falcon from the 70's.  I hide it away from the kids.  
Our sitter Kylie was in Thailand!
Last Tuesday, Eli got a new Mova Globe from my parents.  This one is way bigger than the other one.  
Noah figured out how to solve that crazy cube.  
Eli is an owl like Hedwig.  
The boys hid a globe inside the other puzzles.  
Don't know how they figured it out.  
Last Wednesday, it was really cold!
Our new sofa has some rips already.  A guy came from the furniture to sew it up.  
The globes together.  


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