He loved the slide!

He had no fear, just flung himself off.

Where are you taking me now?

The swing! It's been a while but he still loves it.

Ok, time to get ready for our playdate.

We went to visit Lisa, Lucas and baby Chloe. The boys got right down to jamming. All they needed was a guitar player!

They had fun playing. Aden had a lot of new toys to try out.

Uncle Mark taught Aden how to dunk!

Lucas is a fussy eater like Aden. Must be the age.

Chloe is 5 weeks old! Aden was never that small, right? The live in nanny is very helpful. Amy wants to know when we are getting one!

Always ready for arts and crafts.

Stylin' in his True Religions.

Lisa and Amy with the boys. Lucas is 5 months older than Aden.

A last few moments outside before we headed to the airport. Aden was better on this flight but still didn't fall asleep until about a half hour left in the flight so we had to entertain him for hours. We landed a few hours after the grand opening of the new Southwest terminal at Philly Airport. It was really nice! I had the car detailed while we were away and there was no sign of throw up and it smelled great! We didn't get to sleep till way after 12.

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