He actually lines up everything in his crib.

After school, Aden got to try out some new toys including a trampoline!

Aunt Melissa found Aden's belly.

Saturday, Aden got up all ready for his playdate with Alex.

We tried out the trampoline while we waited. Aden loves it!

Emily and Scott brought over Alex for a playdate. Emily and Amy were in the Hall Mercer mommy and me class together. We hadn't seen Alex since the Summer. They are less than three weeks apart but Alex is huge compared to Aden. They sat at the table at ate so nicely!

We were a little concerned that Aden might be a tad territorial with his toys but the boys played great together.

The girls chatted while the boys played.

Look what Emily and Scott brought. Yummy! From a new place on Chestnut Street. (they live around the corner from our old house in the City)

We were not quite successful in getting Alex to pose on the big chair.

The pretty moms and their handsome boys. The green striped hoodies were purely coincidental.

Finally, it was cupcake time. Alex did not stop saying cupcake the whole time!

It was a contest to see who was the messiest.

Aden won of course.

After they left and after Aden's nap, we took a walk up to the school behind us to Aden could play a little.

The school hasn't been updated yet so there still kids in these trailers. The have 5 years till Aden gets there to get it renovated. That night we went to City Kitchen for dinner with Melissa and Mark and their friend from Pittsburgh. Melissa and Amy got into quite a fight with the manager and waiter. It was amusing.

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