After dinner with my family at Angelo's in Southampton, we went to see the puppy.

Cooper is getting big and a bit crazy.

Aden is still not so sure but Jenny and Chloe seem to be enjoying him more.

Saturday we had Amy's cousin Chad's Bar Mitzvah. The service and the party were at the Rosebank Winery in Newtown. The service was in the barn and was very intimate and moving. Chad did a great job!

Yes, even the sheep enjoyed it.

Melissa and Mark.

Yes, it really was a barn. After a luncheon, we headed back to rest and play with Aden.

A few hours later, we were heading back! The invitation said "t-shirts and chic jeans." Maura came over to watch Aden. They are so cute together. They talk and talk even though neither one has any idea what the other is saying. It was Maura's 17th birthday Friday!

Chad, the Bar Mitzvah boy is dancing in green. Neal Cohen was the dj. The kids had a blast.

The food came from Piccolos, our favorite local Italian place.

We even played some blackjack with Chad money.

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