Sunday, March 25, 2012

Long Overdue Haircut

It's late Sunday night and I am tired. I still haven't recovered from the lack of sleep in Florida. Ariel woke up the last couple of nights starving. She's also been eating a lot during the day. Growth spurt? I guess we will find out at her 4 month checkup next week. Everyone keeps telling us how small she is so who knows. Becky and Sam came for dinner tonight, Larry is away. The boys had a great time. More on that later.

Loving the swing!

Chillin' with Uncle Mark Friday night.

Aunt Melissa sandwich.

Saturday morning, we went to my grandmother's house.

Aden wanted to play in the basement.

He's getting better as he gets taller!

Amy and Ariel stayed at my grandmother's and I took Aden for a long overdue haircut.

There's one way to make sure I get in pictures.

Aden is now several pounds lighter!

Aden wrestled with the girls!

Ironic he keeps asking us about Justin Bieber.

He attacked Guy too! Back to grandmoms...

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