Thursday, April 18, 2019

Happy Birthday to Me

It's Thursday night.  My birthday is just about over. I had a very nice and somewhat relaxing day. More on that later. Another week of posts is done.  Here are some more random pics from last week.  I was at the gym and this girl grabbed my phone thinking it was someone else's and left a silly selfie.  She realized it the next day and everyone was laughing when I got to the gym.  
The boys were showing us how to do bridges.
Football practice.  It was freeeeezing!
Aden actually wore a sweatshirt, which he never does.  I was under a blanket and shivering.  What happened to 80 degrees?
This cute baby was there but she must have been so cold.
It was the longest hour.
Check this out.  It's a new slide being built at the twin's camp.
Not sure why I took these.  Just a normal night at home.

Ariel loves to read to the boys.

School pickup!

This is the incubator in the twin's classroom.  
Eggs!  Hoping we will see chicks soon!
My big girl!
Wrestle time!
Baby Shark Do Do Do Do!  I need this blanket!
My sweet girl!
The twins finished their 2 weeks in the rainforest.  Have a great weekend!

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