Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Best Friends

It's Tuesday night.  I made some tempura shrimp for dinner.  Yummy but makes such a mess.  The weeks are still flying by.  I started thinking about the summer.  There are 15 weeks from Memorial Day to Labor Day.  I believe that's less than last year.  I'm already worrying about how fast the summer will go.  
Last Monday, Ariel had some Cheez Its and Eli did homework.  
It was the last day of the month and I hadn't finish getting the points I need for the gym.  I only needed a few but I felt sick and couldn't exercise at all.  I have never done this in 5 years but I stuck the belt on Ariel and had her run around the basement.  
Eli kept her company.  

It only took her a few minutes.  
Her heart rate goes up quickly!
A mask before bed.  
Tuesday, we did some homework.  
Eli talked to Vector.  
Movie time.  
Noah likes to read to us.  

Best Friends!


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