Monday, March 3, 2025

Cheer Showcase

Last Sunday, Ariel had her cheer showcase where the teams do their routines for their families.  
Here we go!
The Generals!
More warm ups.  
Here they go!

I can't show the video yet.  
They had the littles in between the bigs.  

That afternoon, the twins had a Hebrew school trip bowling.  Notice there is a girl holding Hedwig the owl.  
Noah and his cube.  
The boys like bowling.  

It was a busy day.  Amy took the twins to Top Golf for the mother son event from school.  I took Ariel and Tessa to play some golf.  Tessa's mother and brother were there too.  

Hedwig watched the boys play.  
We went to a different floor away from the kids.  

Hit it Ariel!
Our little group.  We had fun.  
Amy and the twins.  


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