Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Back With Chocolate

It's a cold Wednesday morning but it's supposed to get warm fast. Tomorrow is my grandmother's 92nd birthday! Wow! So back to the weekend. I stayed in with the kids Saturday night while Amy was having fun at Hershey. Bev came over to help. Ariel maybe missed her mommy and did not sleep much. She ended up in bed with me. This was around sunrise. I sent this picture to Amy.

Mommy is back with a Hershey Kiss hat!

Sunday was a quiet day around the house and some play with the neighbors.

We took a nice, long walk.

Sunday night we had dinner at a very crowded Ben and Irvs. Ariel held on to that matzah!

Monday, Amy took Aden and Ariel to music class. This was the only picture she took.

Playing soccer with the neighbors.

Another attempt at real food.

Not sure what this face is.


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