Tuesday, September 24, 2013

No Re-Entry

Sunday Jason and Carter drove in from New York.  The boys had so much fun Labor Day Weekend so it was great that they got to see each other again so quickly.
Oops, crash, run!
 We went to the last Phillies home game of the season.  The boys were excited.
 Since it was the last game, there were a lot of giveaways.  
 Check out these seats!  4th Row.  We were on camera the whole time!

 Play ball!
 Jason's mom and Amy kept texting us with how we looked on camera.  Amy saw that Aden was eating too much popcorn!
The baseball players are not as big up close.  They really aren't like football or basketball players.  

 Aden kept saying "Go Eagles!"
 Cool panoramic shot.

 The Phanatic was naked!
 We all had a lot of fun.

 The boys got lots of great things.
 The Phanatics house.

 No Re-Entry.  Bye Phil's.  See you in the Spring.

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