Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Iron Man Popscicle

I think the pollen and bugs are finally getting to me.  I'm itchy!  We had a make up T-Ball game tonight so I was outside most of the night.  We are watching the Dancing With the Starts finale. They are all so good.  I wonder if Amy and I could get three 10's!   

Let's finish off the weekend.  First, we have Chloe's birthday party at the Kid's Kingdom Playground at the Lower Makefield Community Park.  We had a party here last year at this time and there was a huge thunderstorm.  This time it was just misting.  Here's Chloe and her dog Tex. (her mom is from Texas)
 Aden loves the playground there.
 He wanted to show me his balance.

 Cool pic.  I told Jake he was good at that.  He said of course he is, he's a monkey from the zoo! (his parents tell him that all the time and think he really believes it!)
 Aden not so much.
 They made cotton candy at home.  When they opened the bags, it disappeared!  Maybe the humidity?
 Aden made his guess on the number of Kisses in the jar.  I told him it's  v = hπr
 Needless to say, he didn't get it!
 Will and Tex.
 Yes, the mustache is on his chin.

 Mrs. Meryl, Aden's teacher, stopped by with her daughter.
 Candy apples.

 Tattoo time.
 Aden needed a fire breathing dragon.
 Of course the ice cream man showed up.  
 Saturday night Maura brought her sister Madi over and sat for everyone.  Madi showed Aden her dance moves.

 The kids at dinner together.

 Amy and I went to Adam and Ellen's house for little Brie's baby naming.  And I mean little Brie.  She was 4 days old here!
 So little!
 They actually passed her around.  Four days old!
 It was a lovely party.  

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