Monday, January 14, 2019

The Big Maze

It's Monday night.  Thankfully the little ones went to bed early so I will be following shortly.  Last Sunday we ended up at Giggleberry Fair at Peddler's Village.  First Eli wanted to play some games while everyone else headed into the huge maze.  
 It took some encouragement to get Eli in the big maze.

 But then he loved it.

 Thankfully Aden and Ariel followed them around.
 The place is huge!

 Then we went to the kiddie area.

 We had a late lunch.

 Eli got a hedgehog at Storybook Land last Summer.  For some reason Noah suddenly got jealous so then he needed his own hedgehog.  
 We made cupcakes!

 Then watched the Eagles beat the Bears in the playoffs.
 It was the double doink!  The bears kicker could have won it at the end but his kick went off the lift upright and the crossbar!

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