It's a super rainy Tuesday night which also happens to be my mom's birthday! Happy Birthday Mom! Halloween is getting close. We finally have costumes for Ariel and the twins. Aden says he doesn't want one. We told him he can't trick or treat without one. Back to last Sunday. Our synagogue dedicated a bench to our neighbor and friend who died a couple of years ago. Amy went to the ceremony while I was with the boys at Chuck e Cheese.
Aden then had a youth group function at the synagogue. They baked apple muffins. That night we went to my cousin Jen's house for dinner in the Sukkah.
They just put on this awesome deck.
The kids all had so much fun together.
Everyone found the twins entertaining.
New baby cousin!
Very nice sukkah.
It was my third pizza meal in 2 days!
S'mores time!

Ariel loves her cousin Sophie and all her animals!
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