Friday, I picked him up early from school because he had his 18 month checkup. They were just finishing up snack time. It is so funny to watch them sitting in these tables talking to each other.

The girl in the front is Chloe, the one that speaks in full sentences in English and French! The doctor said everything look good. He was almost 27 lbs which was still around the fiftieth percentile. His height was around the 40th, which I don't fully believe as he squirms around so they basically guess at his height. The doctor thought it was great Aden speaks about 50 words and knows more than that. He did have two shots and took them like a man.

Saturday, we just laid around all day and took naps on and off.

Aden was up for a little dancing. The video will follow.

Sunday, Aden was feeling better, so we made a big outing to Whole Foods.

He was so funny, he had to say Hi to everyone.

Everyone was nice and said Hi back.

Video to follow.

It was packed but Aden had a blast. So much to look at.

Sunday night, both our families met for dinner at City Kitchen.

The girl in the front is Chloe, the one that speaks in full sentences in English and French! The doctor said everything look good. He was almost 27 lbs which was still around the fiftieth percentile. His height was around the 40th, which I don't fully believe as he squirms around so they basically guess at his height. The doctor thought it was great Aden speaks about 50 words and knows more than that. He did have two shots and took them like a man.

Saturday, we just laid around all day and took naps on and off.

Aden was up for a little dancing. The video will follow.

Sunday, Aden was feeling better, so we made a big outing to Whole Foods.

He was so funny, he had to say Hi to everyone.

Everyone was nice and said Hi back.

Video to follow.

It was packed but Aden had a blast. So much to look at.

Sunday night, both our families met for dinner at City Kitchen.

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