Monday, July 11, 2011

The Toe

I'm running out to get my foot x-rayed. Wish me luck!

Friday afternoon, we drove to the shore in a crazy thunderstorm. The road in New Jersey that we take to get to the Atlantic City Expressway was instantly flooded and shut down. We had to go an alternate route which took forever. When we got down, Mel and her friends Stef and Cara were there. The rain continued for a while and the streets of Margate were flooded.

Saturday morning, Aden got a new treat, "squeezy yogurt!"

Awww, loves Uncle Mark.

Walked over to visit Adam and Brianna on their last day at the Shore.

More of Mel's friends came and we finally made it to the beach! Here she is with Cara.


Aden had a great time running around.

Especially when Adam and Brianna came by before they left.

After the beach, I took Cara and Stef for a ride on the waverunner. Don't they look cute!

Ok Stef, you only get to drive it on the dock.

We had a blast. I took them on a half hour joy ride!

Right before this picture was taken, I parked the waverunner on the dock. As you might be aware, getting it on the dock is not easy. I thought I did it well but the boys that work at the marina ran over and said they would help me drag it the last few inches. While pushing, my foot slipped and my toes bent up too far and my body fell on top. The second toe is almost totally black and it hurts like crazy. A doctor friend on the beach told me it looked broken. I will post Saturday night and Sunday later.

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