I know she is not very fond of her own birthday but I can't let the day pass without having you all help me honor the most giving, caring, loving mom, daughter and bubbie. She does so much for everyone and asks for so little in return. I hope she understands how much she means to all of us. Happy 39th Birthday! (somehow I'm older than her now)
The boys worked on an art project with Amy.
Scary ghosts!
They found Aden's old Spiderman costumes and put them on themselves!
They both want to be Spiderman for Halloween. I guess that's easy enough.
Uh oh, Spiderman discovered a box of size 4 clothes we found in the basement.
They had fun.
They also destroyed their room.
Aden's final regular season game.
Bev took these pics.
It was a close game.
We tied! Aden's team was the only undefeated team out of 22! Great job boys! Go Bengals!

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