Monday, July 22, 2024

Camp Saginaw Visiting Day

Last Sunday, we got to see Ariel!  It was visiting day!  We had been looking forward to this!  It took about an hour and 45 minutes to get there.  We brought all 3 boys.  
A huge crowd waiting to get in.  It was really hot but dry.  
Here we go!
We were carrying so much stuff she wanted!
There are the bunks!
And there is Ariel!  She looked so much older in 3 weeks!
We went to her bunk.  
We have her Starbucks and Crumbl Cookies.  

Her area wasn't too messy.  
Melissa Mark and Gwen arrived right after us.  Hugs all around.  

Nice family pic!
Nice extended family pic!
Then we went to check out Eva's bunk.  We ran into Dave, Julia and the girls.  
Aden with his favorite cousins.

Official visiting day shots.  

Ariel wanted to take pics with everyone.  
She wanted to leave camp for the day.  Usually we are against that but it was really hot and we wanted air conditioning.  We went into town for lunch.  
Then we went to Walmart.  
She was so excited to go to Walmart.  
The whole place was full of Saginaw kids.  
She was so overwhelmed, she ended up not buying much.  
Back to camp to go in the pool.  
It felt great.  
We went right in. 

The twins checked out the slides.  
It was nice to relax with all 6 of us in the pool.  
It started thundering so they got us all out of the pool.  
Back to the bunk to hang.  Ariel started crying 45 minutes before we had to leave.  
She was laughing, smiling and crying all the same time.  

Her counselor Bella has been texting us messages from Ariel which has been great.  
The buddies.

She was so distraught, she actually hugged Aden.  lol.
This was Eva when her family left.  Poor things.  They were all smiling as soon as we left.  The camp knows how to distract the kids.  
We got home and set up the new beds for the twins. Space themed of course!


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