After breakfast, Aden was ready for the beach.

I forgot how much fun it was packing the cart and the stroller for the trek to the beach.

We weren't sure how Aden was going to react to all of this.

First, he stood on the blanket...

Then he tentatively walked off it.

Play time!

Just chillin' and checking out the chicks.

He wanted to get close to the ocean but not to touch it. I didn't blame him, it was so cold!

We took a walk down the beach and ran into my cousins Jen, Mike, Jacob and Jonah.

Aden ran around with the boys.

It's going to be a fun summer for Aden.

Atlantic City in the distance.

Jacob and Jonah.

Digging to China.

What a mess. We are working on an outside shower.

Aden was excited to realize that his friend from school and his little white dog are both named Chloe. After that it was Chloe everything. What a night it became. First, we realized we threw out Aden's anti-biotic, which he was halfway through. I cut myself bad and was bleeding everywhere. Melissa and I went to pick up dinner from Smith's in Somer's Point. When we got back the neighbors told us that Amy's parents had just rushed off to the hospital with Cooper the dog who had just been hit by a car! Thankfully he ended up being ok, just a little bruised. Then, to top it all off, Aden threw up everywhere.

We went to Juniors for ice cream to cheer us up!

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