Tuesday, July 5, 2022

And They Are Off

Last Sunday, Ariel left for camp Saginaw.  Last year I was such a mess.  I was better going into this year at least knowing there would be a visiting day.  So what happened the night before she left, we got an email saying they cancelled visiting day.  The night before!  I was so angry.  I called the owner, who was very nice, but the thought of parents travelling all over the world and then coming to hug and kiss their kids really scared him.  So Covid did it again.  Now we get 2 phone calls instead of getting to see her.  Not the same.  

We all got up early to head to the bus.  

Ariel was not nervous at all.  She was so excited.  

Of course Aden couldn't have been bothered to come.  

Ariel was having so much fun already.  

The pretty moms.
Here they go.
Last minute hugs.  

And they are off!
The parents were only half waving, they were mostly celebrating their free summers!
It was a nice day.  
I took the twins to the NAC pool.  
It was packed!

The pool was a tad warmer than usual but still a bit chilly.  

We had fun eating and swimming.  Noah went on the slides with me.  Eli still has not.
Some art work later.

They made me set up the slide.  
We got some pictures from camp!  These are the girls that take the pictures.  
We told Ariel to give us a thumbs up if she was happy.  I guess she's happy.  
Here's bunk I!  


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