Monday, September 16, 2024

Ariel is Back in the Air!

It's Sunday night.  I just got back from a concert.  Another busy week coming up.  Last Saturday was a crazy day.  I think we had 7 different things scheduled.  First, I dropped off Aden at his SAT class from 9-3.  Poor kid.  
When I got back, Amy was making breakfast.  
Then I took Ariel to cheer.  
They were cheering for their first football game of the season.  
Let's go boys!
Where Ariel likes to be.  In the air!
She's been with a lot of these girls for 7 years already!

Ariel leads the cheer!
Poor Ariel is one of the shortest.  
Ariel is flying!

Dori was flying too!
Great game girls!
Then Noah had his first soccer game.  
Rachel and Dani the cheerleaders dad is the coach.  
Noah was excited to play.
He played well.  
We went from there to a birthday party.  Triplets from the twin's classes.  They do a swim party every year with like 100 of their closest friends.  Many of the parents stay too so it's quite a crowd.  
Ice cream.
Eli spent most of his time on the slide.  
He did go in the pool too.  
The gav eup on the pinata and just threw out candy.  

Dessert time.  
I t rained a little then we got a double rainbow!

I love this one.  
Walking back to the car.  
The rainbows from home.  


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Welcome Baby Lucas

Last Thursday, the geese and the deer were coming!

We walked the twins to school.  
Company picnic.  
After school, the kids wanted to play.

We had high school back to school night.  We were early, these halls were packed the rest of the night.  It was actually a lot of fun meeting the teachers and running from class to class.  Aden's classes always seem to be far from each other.  
The principal welcomed us.  
We know Aden's science teacher.  Amy grew up with her.  
Amy had Aden's social studies teacher when she was in school!  It's the first time he's had children on former students and he has 5 this year.  He was so excited!
Good night Emo.  
On Friday morning, we got a wonderful surprise!  Our trainer sent us a picture of beautiful baby Lucas! He was born on the 4th on his due date.  That's all we know and it's now over a week later!
After school, the twins rested in front of the tv.  
I was determined to make bacon jam smash burgers.  I started with the bacon jam.  
Eli and Vicky went for a ride while I was cooking.  

Smash!  They came out really good!
They rode late into the night.  

The Eagles played that night in Brazil against the Packers.  
It was a weird game to watch.  The Eagles weren't allowed to wear green for various strange reasons.  The field was wet and everyone kept slipping.  The lead went back and forth.
The Eagles won!  Have a great weekend!