Sunday, September 29, 2024

Bat and B'Nai Mitzvahs

Last Saturday was a crazy but fun day.  The twins were up early playing video games.  
I drove Ariel to Harper's house.  The camp girls from this area were heading down to Maryland for a Bat Mitzvah.  
Have fun girls!  Harper's dad Ben drove.  
I took Noah for soccer pics.  
Looking handsome!
Here's the team shot!
And Noah!
Then I took the boys to Chuck e Cheese for lunch.  

They actually got bored pretty quickly.  
Then it was Noah's soccer game.  He was very aggressive and played well.  That's him with the ball surrounded by the other team.  
He likes to throw it in.

Great game guys!
That night, we had Brandon and Brynn's b'nai mitzvah at the Fuge.  This building contains the centrifuge where NASA trained astronauts from the 50's to the 80's.  It's now a place for parties!
It's such a cool place.  It's a huge round room with 50 foot ceilings that can hold 1000 people.  The centrifuge is still in there.  
Amy with Jenn and Dori.  

We had lots of friends there.  
Lots of space stuff all around us!  
The Bat Mitzvah girl.  
They each did 13 candles.  It took forever.  

Some fun pics of us.  
Amy and I with Jenn and Jon our neighbors.  
We danced all night!

Candy to go.  
Aden was at a sleepover with his synagogue board.  It was a bonding retreat.  

They got some tub time in too!
Meanhwhile, in Maryland, the girls got dressed up and headed to the Bat Mitzvah.  
Look at these beauties!
They had fun at Ava's bat mitzvah.  


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