Saturday night our sitter got sick so we had dinner with Dave and Danielle in Somer's Point before they left.
We waited a little too long. The kids lost it before we even sat.It took all of us to keep Ariel close to the table. She just wanted to run!
Dinner was good but it was too late and too much for the kids.
Sunday morning we met Amy's old babysitter Karen and her family for breakfast in Ocean City. She lives in Las Vegas but visits her parents every year. We didn't see her last year but you might remember us having breakfast with her the previous few years. I actually grew up with her sister. Small world.

The food was so so but we had fun catching up with them.
Logan of course had Aden's attention with a video game.
Cheese face!
Amy, Karen and the whole gang.
Want a massage Ariel?
Cute! Until they got thrown off by the person at the spa.
The shirtless wonder is back. Did I mention that Aden refuses to wear shirts anymore!
It was not great weather so we laid around.
Checking out the new patio furniture.
No nap for Ariel.
Then to my parents to lay around some more.
Sunday night we all went to Finn at the Tropicana to celebrate Clarisse's birthday. What a view!
We got a sitter for the kids so it was an enjoyable meal for everyone! Happy birthday again!
Amy and I lost some money at slots. It had been a long time since we did that.
This is how we found Aden when we got home. I hope they don't mind him being shirtless at school!
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