Sunday, October 26, 2014

If You Can Dodge a Wrench, You Can Dodge a Ball

Well that was one crazy weekend.  From Touch a Truck, to soccer to Sesame Place to swim to Shady Brook Farms, it had something for everyone!  It's too late Sunday night for me to be up but I will try and get this started.  First the leftover pics from last week.  

Haircut time for Aden and daddy.  Aden was way overdue. 

 5 lbs lighter!
 Curtis photobombed us.
 So Aden wanted to photobomb me!
 We took the kids for their flu shots.  I guess you can't even joke about this stuff.
 Some pretty colors on the way to Amy's school to bring her lunch.  It's peak season here.  
Picking up Aden at school Friday.  He was deep into a game of dodgeball and didn't want to leave so I watched for a while.
 I loved watching him play with kids I didn't know.  Some of which were way bigger than him.  He really held his own.
 Hanging with baby Eva!
She's all over the house.  Ariel had to chase her.
Thanks Aunt Melissa!
 Uh oh, someone has discovered the iPad!

 Get Aden!
 Tickle, tickle.

These are out of place but I'm throwing them in here.  Second to last swim of the session.  I have one more session swimming with her until she's old enough to swim on her own.  That will be sad for me.  I guess I have the twins to look forward to getting me back in the pool!

 This is her not very happy face.

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