Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Ice Cream Face

Tonight we had something sweet.  Cousins Justin and Katie flew in with their newborn baby and we had her baby naming.  It's always a special treat to get family and friends together for a happy occasion.  Back to last week.  

Speaking of sweet moments...
 Let's go out for ice cream!
 Gwen didn't know what to pick.
 Noah pulled up a chair by himself so he could figure out what he wanted!

 You like it Eli?
 I guess so!
 They still love to swing.
 Noah is still bringing his step ladder everywhere.
 Some little kid wrestling.

 Picking and eating fresh strawberries in the neighbor's garden.

 Blowing bubbles with Heather.
 Bye Heather!
 Ariel and her friends also planted a garden at school.

 Radishes for everyone!

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