Monday, January 18, 2016

The 2X List

So ridiculously cold today and now they are saying a possible blizzard at the end of the week.  I guess it was too good to be true. The long lasting Fall had to end at some point. 

Back to last week.  We had our morning visitors.  
Eli loves these antlers.
Cute much?
Silly boys playing.

Did I mention that Ariel got in trouble in school for talking to Molly during rest time?  They were told twice to stop and didn't so they made the 2X list.  Aden was up there a few times in his day.
Music class!  This one was packed.  I actually got a picture with them both looking!
Ms. Marilyn had everyone rockin'.

 Baby Michael wants to have a playdate with the boys.

Pretty soon the twins will be the little ones walking.
 Noah kept crawling over to this family.

Go Sophia!
 I tried to take their 11 month pictures but they didn't cooperate.
Grace is younger than the twins and almost walking!  She's also in their swim class.
 Instrument craziness.

 Another successful class.

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